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VIN View Optimizer: Do You Know How Your Inventory is Turning?

The VIN View Optimizer (VVO) gives dealers complete transparency into their inventory, down to the VIN-level, in one easy tool. LotLinx fully integrates with a dealer’s existing Google Analytics to track engagements from every online source, including third parties and SEM. VVO then analyzes a store’s entire inventory exposure to identify the most profitable promotion opportunities on lot.

We’ve rounded up the VVO’s top features dealers can leverage to learn how their inventory is turning.

In the images below, each vertical line is a VIN currently sitting on a dealer’s lot. The stacked colors making up each line are the number of VDP views that VIN has received per source. Every VVO varies per dealership, but all VVOs share similar trends – can you spot them? 


Find out which high-converting VINs are burning your marketing spend with a VIN-by-VIN breakdown of your inventory’s VDP exposure. Notice the lack of VDP view distribution most dealers see across their inventory. 


See exactly where your VDP views are coming from – per source, per VIN and uncover which traffic sources are worth your marketing dollars. Should this dealer keep spending money to promote the VINs toward the left of the chart? 


30 VDP views in 30 days is a healthy sign a vehicle will sell. The VVO’s 30-day marker shows which of your vehicles are at risk of aging out. The likelihood of a sale doesn’t look good for a large majority of this dealer’s VINs.


Having trouble sorting through your third-party vendors? Dive into your VVO and compare vendor traffic according to VDP activity. Again, notice the lack of exposure the majority of these VINs are receiving from the dealership’s paid sources. 


The VIN View Optimizer proves dealers are wasting 80% of their budget is wasted on just 20% of their inventory. See for yourself by test driving the VVO today. 

