I would attribute about 75% of our sales to Lotlinx. We’re able to reach people that we’ve never reached before. In sales, Lotlinx is my most critical partner.
Read the Case StudyIn today’s digital age, your VDPs need to do more than just display information; they need to drive action.
Lotlinx Showroom transforms your VDPs into mobile-optimized experiences, tailored to serve the most relevant actions right at your shoppers’ fingertips. Whether it’s a click-to-call, tap for directions, or scheduling a test drive, engagement is just a tap away.
Put the right cars in front of the right buyers! Elevate your dealership’s sales and marketing performance to the next level with Lotlinx Showroom—where every click is a step closer to conversion. Optimized to display the most relevant actions consistently, Showroom makes it easy for shoppers to engage with the vehicles in your inventory no matter what device they use. Download our Showroom Sell Sheet to learn more.
Schedule a demo with one of our expert team members to move inventory at the best price possible, incrementally increasing your PVR by an average of $350.
Join thousands of dealers who have experienced the advantage of Lotlinx, with cars moving 7-10 days faster.
I would attribute about 75% of our sales to Lotlinx. We’re able to reach people that we’ve never reached before. In sales, Lotlinx is my most critical partner.
Read the Case StudyLotlinx was my first phone call when I got here. I needed help moving metal and they knew what to do. We’ve been #1 consistently since we brought Lotlinx aboard.
Read the Case StudyKia will not allow you to use co-op dollars with anybody you want, they have to meet a certain criteria. Obviously Lotlinx meets that.
Read the Case StudyLotlinx has absolutely helped us reduce markdowns and retain our gross profits. The management team is super happy with results like that.
Read the Case StudyIf you’re smart, you’re going to take control of your ad budget today. Lotlinx targets the ones that aren’t getting as many VDP views and gets those in front of people at the right time.
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Lotlinx Inc.
20 Grove Street
Peterborough, NH 03458